1 /27 trials

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Welcome to the experiment!

Please enter your instructor's last name (if applicable):

    Instructor's name:

First, we will review the instructions for the experiment. Feel free to use the "next" and "back" buttons to move through the instructions. Once you hit "start" however, you will not be able to go back.

1. Instructions:

There will be two parts to this experiment. The first will be a study phase. You will be shown images one at a time, each presented for 2 seconds. Your task for this phase is to try to memorize each of the images.

2. Instructions:

In the second phase your memory for the images will be tested.

On each trial you will see two images side-by-side. One will be an image you have seen before (an OLD image) and one will be one you have not seen before (a NEW image). For example:

Your task will be to identify the "OLD" image by clicking on it with the mouse.

3. Instructions

That's it!

First, you will do the study phase, then the memory test phase. Press the start button to begin the study phase.

This will be the display for the remainder of the experiment. The images will appear here.

Click the button below to begin the study phase. You will be shown one image at a time, try to remember each of the images

Now we will test your memory.

On each trial you will see two images side-by-side. One will be an image you have seen before (an OLD image) and one will be one you have not seen before (a NEW image).

Your task is to identify the OLD image. You will select the OLD image by clicking on it with the mouse.

When you are ready to begin the first trial, click the button below


Your results for the memory task are below. It shows the percentage of errors you made for each type of image.

You can download your complete data set by clicking the button below.