1 /27 trials

Welcome to the experiment!

First, we will review the instructions for the experiment. Feel free to use the "next" and "back" buttons to move through the instructions. Once you hit "start" however, you will not be able to go back.

1. Instructions:

In this experiment you will have to make YES/NO judgments about words. On every trial you'll see the instructions first, followed by the word.

There will are four kinds of judgments you will have to make throughout the experiment:

  1. Is the word in capital letters?
  2. Does the word rhyme with [WORD] ?
  3. Is the word a(n) type of [CATEGORY] ?
  4. Does the word fit the sentence: [SENTENCE] ?

Click next to see some examples.

2. Instructions:

On every trial you will be presented with the instructions for two seconds, then the word. Your task is to respond YES or NO as quickly and as a accurately as possible after the word is presented.

Capital Example

In this example, the word appears to be in capital letters (all uppercase), therefore I'd answer yes, by clicking the "YES" button with the mouse.

3. Instructions:

On every trial you will be presented with the instructions for two seconds, then the word. Your task is to respond YES or NO as quickly and as a accurately as possible after the word is presented.

Rhyme Example

In this example, "crowbar" does rhyme with "tar", therefore I'd answer yes, by clicking the "YES" button with the mouse.

4. Instructions:

On every trial you will be presented with the instructions for two seconds, then the word. Your task is to respond YES or NO as quickly and as a accurately as possible after the word is presented.

Category Example

In this example, "fishing" is not a type of reading material, therefore I'd answer no, by clicking the "NO" button with the mouse.

5. Instructions:

On every trial you will be presented with the instructions for two seconds, then the word. Your task is to respond YES or NO as quickly and as a accurately as possible after the word is presented.

Sentence Example

In this example, "taxi" does fit in the sentence "I went to Kawagoe by taxi", therefore I'd answer yes, by clicking the "YES" button with the mouse.

6. Instructions:

That's it!

When you are ready to begin, hit "Start"

Note: It may take a few moments to load the experiment. If it is still loading you will see a progress bar at the top of the page. Upon completion you will be able click start.

This will be the display for the remainder of the experiment. Take a moment to orient yourself, and when you are ready click the Start button below for the first trial.


Surprise Memory Test!

Now we'll test your memory for all the words you just saw. Your task is to try to remember and identify all the words from the experiment.

Below is a list of words. Some were presented earlier, some are new words that were not presented in the experiment. Click the checkbox next to a word if it was previously presented.

If a word was not presented in the list, then leave it unchecked. Take your time. When you're finished click "submit".


You can download your complete data set by clicking the button below.