1 /27 trials

Welcome to the experiment!

First, we will review the instructions for the experiment. Feel free to use the "next" and "back" buttons to move through the instructions. Once you hit "start" however, you will not be able to go back.

1. Instructions:

On every trial you'll see a word in bold capital letters with some instructions. Your task will be to rate the word based on the instructions you see.

There will be four kinds ratings that you might be asked to give:

  1. How relevant the word would be for you in a survival situation
  2. The pleasantness of the word.
  3. The ease or difficulty with which it arouses a mental image
  4. How easily the word brings to mind an important personal experience.

2. Instructions:

You will indicate your response by moving the slider to the appropriate number and pressing the "submit response" button

Survival Example

3. Instructions:

You will indicate your response by moving the slider to the appropriate number and pressing the "submit response" button

Imagery Example

4. Instructions:

You will indicate your response by moving the slider to the appropriate number and pressing the "submit response" button

Pleasantness Example

5. Instructions:

You will indicate your response by moving the slider to the appropriate number and pressing the "submit response" button

Self-Reference Example

6. Instructions:

That's it!

When you are ready to begin, hit "Start"


Please rate how relevant this word would be for you in this survival situation.

Imagine that you are stranded in the grasslands of a foreign land, without any basic survival materials. Over the next few months, you’ll need to find steady supplies of food and water and protect yourself from predators. Please rate how relevant this word would be for you in this survival situation.

Some of the words may be relevant and others may not—it’s up to you to decide

Totally Irrelevant


Extremely Relevant

Please rate the pleasantness of this word.

Some of the words may be pleasant and others may not—it’s up to you to decide.

Totally Unpleasant


Extremely Pleasant

Please rate this word by the ease or difficulty with which it arouses a mental image

Nouns differ in their capacity to arouse mental images of things or events. Some words arouse a sensory experience, such as a mental picture or sound, very quickly and easily, whereas others may do so only with difficulty (i.e., after a long delay) or not at all.

Any word which, in your estimation, arouses a mental image (i.e., a mental picture, or sound, or other sensory experience) very quickly and easily should be given a high imagery rating; a word that arouses a mental image with difficulty or not at all should be given a low imagery rating.

Low Imagery


High Imagery

Please rate how easily this word brings to mind an important personal experience.

We would like you to think of personal experiences you have had in your life and rate how easily this word brings to mind an important personal experience.

Very Difficult


Extremely Easy

Surprise Memory Test!

Now we'll test your memory for all the words you just saw.

On each trial you'll be shown two words. One will be from the list you've seen, the other will be a new word you haven't seen yet. Your task will be to pick the old word

You will make your choice by click on the word. Remember: click the old word

When you are ready, press the start button

Which word is the OLD word?


Your data has been recorded and you can safely close this window.